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Live up to expectations of those that make you feel seen

A lot of time people always talk about finding your why. Or finding your big goal; something larger then life. You have to do it for you do what you want in life.

And I agree with a majority of what I hear but at the same time I just hear how individualistic this approach can be.

But is there anything wrong with living up to others expectations? Why is it I have heard countless stories of when someone male or female is now expecting a baby on the way there is a shift. Now there is something outside of themself that is more important to them then themselves.

I think the same thing is important with the people you surround yourself with. If others see these amazing things in you that your too close to notice, you might feel naked and exposed and this might cause you to get defensive or self conscious might even be the better word.

It can also give you something to reflect on and maybe even a target that you don’t have to achieve, but something to start recognizing in yourself.

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